Displaying art

We have a window in our play room that was just screaming for some art.

So we’ve been decorating paper Easter Eggs and creating ‘stained glass’ Easter Eggs these last few weeks to come up with this Easter display.

(I did have a tidier photo that I was going to share with you, but this one seemed more honest, lol.)

The wooden shabby chic highchair I picked up off Ebay for $2, and is where JJ stands whenever we cook together, such as here, here, and here. The jellybean mat underneath stops me from saying no when JJ has her hand in the flour, again.

I scored the dolls house on the right during a local council pick-up, and is now home our toilet paper dolls collection (including the latest recruits).

The red spotty mat sits under JJ’s table and chairs, and has kept the carpet relatively clean through many indoor art and craft experiences, such as here, here and here. Actually the “spotty mat” is a flannel backed vinyl tablecloth, which works perfectly! The flannel helps it to grip to the carpet. It’s latest 1.5 very active years, but a replacement is on the shopping list at the moment, so you might see some new colours on our floor soon.

Can you see the painting to the left of the window? That was the first intentional painting that JJ made, when she was one and a half or so years old. (She’d made plenty of messes before, but never intentionally chosen colours and created a painting). I never intended for it to be up on the wall this long – but somehow I can’t bring myself to take it down.

If you back up a few steps, there’s a couch to the left and the wall behind it is displaying JJ’s cupcake patty pan art. This was probably her first self-directed art. She used to paste by herself before dinner every night, creating dozens of masterpieces. It was one of the first things that I blogged and is the artwork that adorned my blog header when I first started.

Any art that doesn’t go on the walls gets saved to be reused as homemade wrapping paper or cards. We haven’t used store-bought wrapping paper or cards for at least a year. You’re much more likely to get a card made out of a scribbled paper plate or similar (which I personally think is more meaningful than a bunch of Hallmark words anyway).

What does your playroom look like? How do you display your children’s art?


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