Wrapping paper craziness

I’m delighted to say that I’ve had a very productive weekend. But I’ve been too busy doing things, that I haven’t had time or headspace to write blog posts about doing them.

I’ll get around to it eventually, maybe.

So anyway, for today’s post, I thought I’d quickly share with you what our wrapping paper stash currently looks like.

Lol, you can tell we have a toddler in the house, by how high up all the glassware is…

But the point of this post is the pile of “art” that is underneath all that glassware. I just can’t throw it out. I mean, what sort of message would that send?! But I can’t cope with displaying it all either. (Besides the faithful patty pan collage (that one hat currently adorns my header), and the first painting that JJ ever did, both of which have pride of place on our dining room walls.)

And so, this never ending pile it is used as wrapping paper.

If the present is large, I masking tape together however many sheets of “art” is required to make one big sheet.

So now, whenever I buy (or make) a present for someone, I’ve started to obsess over how many pieces of art it will take to wrap it. It’s become a little game. We gave a birthday present the other day that required 16 pieces, all masking taped together. I couldn’t help but secretly delight in the dent it made in our always increasing “art” stash.

It reminds me of when I was a little girl sitting in the back-seat of the car. I used to keep an eye out for all the available parking spaces as we drove along, clicking my teeth for each one that we passed. Made for a sore jaw whenever we passed a large shopping centre car park.

Such mind-numbing fun!

What do you do with all the children’s artwork in your house? And do you play these sorts of pathetic games with yourself? (Surely I’m not the only one!)


(PS: If you haven’t entered my Badges 4 Kids Giveaway, it ends tomorrow, so this is your last chance…)

And as always, linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT

(This post is not sponsored. All opinions are my own.)
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