
Just a quick post today to let you know about an online computer game that JJ loves – The Fungooms.

This is the title page, and you can click on any of the characters to get to different selections of games.  So, if you click on the baby, then you get to several baby games.  If you click on the toddler, then you get to several toddler games.  If you click on the preschooler, then you get to several preschooler games.  If you click on the mum, then you get to several short stories.  If you click on the dad or the uncle, then you get to kindergarten / science style games.

The selection of baby games
The selection of preschooler games.
JJ is still not good enough with a computer mouse to play these games by herself, but she really enjoys sitting with either Nathan or I and playing together. And she enjoys all the games, even those that are aimed at an older age bracket, and especially loves the stories. The stories are spoken in a lovely accent. There are no nasty themes, and most of the games seem to have some sort of educational component or some lovely message.

There is some advertising at the bottom on the main home page – I guess this is how they make their money. But I didn’t even notice this until after we’d played it dozens of times, and the ads featured are appropriate (ie no advertising for porn sites, and no advertising that flashes so much that it diverts your child’s attention away from the game).  There are no ads once you get into the actual games themselves.

We limit her computer time to about a half an hour, a couple of times a week at this stage. We’ve tried several other online game sites and haven’t found any others that we really like. JJ does also play some games (apps) on our tablet, and some other games on Linux, but it is difficult to find games that are age appropriate and as polished as The Fungooms. We are always on the hunt for more, so if you know of other great computer game sites or apps, please let me know!

(This post is not sponsored.  All opinions are my own.)
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  1. Kate

    Thanks for the tip! Will check that one out 🙂


    • No worries! Hope your kidlets enjoy as much as mine does 🙂

  2. meg

    This looks great, Jaz enjoyed all three stories before bed the other night! Will be checking the other parts out as well!


    • Aren't the stories adorable! Miss JJ requests them often. I especially like the monster story – everyone needs a good hug!

  3. Susan

    My little ones enjoyed that site, thanks for posting it Danya! They also enjoyed another kids site called Bobblies at – not really magical like fungooms but still very cute characters and stories!

  4. Susan

    My little ones enjoyed that site, thanks for posting it Danya! They also enjoyed another kids site called Bobblies at – not really magical like fungooms but still very cute characters and stories!


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