Tits on a bull

Yes, I know I said I would be showing you how to make a baby bumble bee outfit today, but I’m having computer issues that mean I can’t process my photos at the moment. Don’t you live with a computer geek you ask? Exactly. Exactly.
So I was thinking I might share a little story with you in the meantime. These days, JJ starts her stories with “Once pon time, long long go” so…
Once pon time, long long go, Mr Banya and I lived and worked in Amsterdam. When our visas expired, we bought an old campervan and set off on a 3 month European vacation, travelling through about a dozen countries. It was wonderful of course. So much to see, to do, to eat, to experience. But we also spent a lot of time inside a very small and not very well equipped campervan.
The year was 2002. Entertainment options were limited. We had the car radio. We had a discman and 5 CDs (Blues, Jazz, Latino compilations, Bob Marley, and a home burned Dutch one). We had a crossword puzzle magazine and a couple of second hand books that we’d already read by week 2 of the trip.
We had a hard time finding new CDs, books, magazines or even newspapers in English in any of the small towns we were passing through. Mind you, we had to be so careful to conserve the car engine battery, that we could only really have reading lights on for about an hour a day anyway.
There was no mobile phone. No internet. No smartphone games.
So, inevitably, we had lots of time with nothing to do but talk. And talk we did. About anything and everything.
But, as you can imagine, we eventually ran out of things to talk about. So we started pondering….
If cow and bull are generic terms for the female and male of large mammals, then the cows and bulls on a farm are female and male what? Bovine? That seemed too generic – the term bovine also covered other animals like oxen.
And if cows have their udders between their hind legs, then where does a bull have it’s nipples? I mean, after all, men have nipples. Male dogs have nipples. So surely bulls must have nipples too. But where?
We pondered these questions for months and months, with no way to verify our speculations.
So of course, once we got home, we googled. Apparently cows and bulls are female and male “cattle”. Cattle is both singular and plural. (Seems so obvious in hindsight).
But more importantly, a bulls nipples are indeed on it’s testicles. Isn’t that such a wonderful visual. I’ve mentally filed this under “things you can never unknow.”
Image Source
And that, my friends, is the end of the story.
Linking up with Bree from Twinkle in the Eye for Flash Blog Friday and Grace from With Some Grace for Flog Yo Blog Friday (while she suns herself in Bali, the lucky thing!)
(This post is not sponsored. All opinions are my own.)
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  1. Anonymous

    Haha! Danya, that sound like a conversation I can have with hubby! From Rita @ The Crafty Expat


  2. Oh no? Where did all the other lovely comments disappear to? Damn Blogger bugs!


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