Introducing – Me!

Hi. My name is Danya. Welcome to my new, self-indulgent blog!

Self portrait taken in Quebec, 2008
The purpose of this blog, is really a form of an online diary / journal. I read a lot of blogs – particularly sewing, crafting, parenting blogs. That is what has given me inspiration to give this a go! This blog isn’t about anything in particular, well, not yet anyway. But for now, I hope you enjoy my ramblings.
As this blog will (hopefully) be read by someone other than me, I guess I should start off my introducing myself a little better.

My name is Danya – that’s pronounced like Tanya, but with a D. Or spelt wrong as I like to say 🙂 I’m 34 years old, wife to my wonderful Mr Banya, mother to my gorgeous JJ (25 months old) and expecting another bub in September. We live in Sydney, Australia. My favourite colour is yellow – although I like green and orange too, and all sorts of colours really.

I love my family, friends, animals, travelling, skiing, being frugal for frugal’s sake, using recycled materials (there is enough stuff in the world already), wholesome cooking (sometimes), eating, reading books, children’s art, crafting, photography, parenting babies and toddlers, and much much more! I am sometimes overly agreeable and sometimes overly opinionated. I exaggerate, particularly if it makes for a better story.

Top Left: On my 30th birthday, with my brother and my mother. Top Right: “Tequila made me do it”, Mexico. Middle Right: On our wedding day. Bottom Right: Mr Banya and I at our engagement party. Bottom Left: With my beloved “Burning Love” skis, Lake Tahoe, USA. Lower Middle Left: Travelling in Mexico. Upper Middle Left: Cutting our wedding cake.

I studied Commerce, Marketing and Hospitality Management over a decade ago (time flies!). I used to work in hotel marketing, and then hotel sales, and then pharmaceutical sales. Right now I’m parenting full time. Since parenting takes up 95% of my time at the moment, I would imagine a big portion of this blog will end up being devoted to this!

Left: And then JJ is born. Middle: The littlest Sainters supporter (4 months old), asleep during the 
Grand Final. Right: Kim Rochelle Photography photoshoot, JJ 13 months.

I’ve also recently refound my love of arts and crafts. I try to make use of recycled materials as much as possible. This is more frugal (especially with the prices of craft items in Australia!!!), but more importantly I find that this pushes my creativity. I’ve got a few items that I’ve made recently that I’m looking forward to sharing…. I like cooking using wholegrains and as little processed sugar as possible. My results are a bit sketchy sometimes, as I tend to mess around with recipes. I’ll try to post a few successes (and a few failures no doubt). I’ve also refound my love of reading in the past few years. Both adult and children’s books! I’ve always enjoyed photography, but I’ve recently been going through a shooters block (if you can call it that?). I’m hoping this blog, and the new baby, will spark up my interest again. I like the idea of dabbling into stock photography. I’ve done a lot of research, but I’ve yet to upload a photo – something I hope to rectify in the “near” future.

Speaking of near future – as mentioned above, we are expecting baby number 2 sometime between 6 weeks away and 11 weeks away. I had to promise my husband that I will let this blog slide when the baby comes if need be. So no promises on how many posts per week… But we’ll see!

Here are some other posts in the “Introducing” series:
Introducing – Mr Banya
Introducing – JJ
Introducing – the bub on the way
Introducing – our pets Charli, Vomit, Gromit, Mike, Olga and the Possum

(This post is not sponsored.  All opinions are my own.)

Are you new here? If you’ve just found my blog, be sure to subscribe via Email or RSS Feed, or to “like” the Danya Banya Blog Facebook page, so that you’ll get all my tips and rants on parenting babies and toddlers, sewing, crafting, wholesome cooking, photography and lots more!


  1. webbmeg

    Thought I'd be your first comment ever! Nice to meet you Danya, look forward to getting to know you better. My fave colour is yellow too and so s my mums! However my cousin cant' look at it, she hates it… totally weird! Im the least 'craftiest' person you'll ever meet, cant stand making it, so my kids have been deprived… might send them to you for some make up craft time!! But I do enjoy seeing other's results and I have seen a bit of yours and it's amazing. Particularly love the balloon covers.. awesome!Look forward to future posts xx


    • Thank you for being my first commenter! Don't worry about not being 'crafty', some of my craft posts will be so easy that the kids can do it while you're cooking tea 🙂 xxx


  2. What a cute little.opener and lovely pics. GladI’ve met you and your gorgeous bub in the flesh. Thanks for linking X


  3. A nice “back-story” introduction for me, as I have been enjoying your posts for a while now.


  4. I started my blog after reading other blogs for a while too. It really is such a fulfilling experience!


  5. I love your pics, and I am a HUGE GINORMOUS THE BIGGEST EVER fan of exaggerating too!


  6. You look stunning in these photos! And love seeing those wedding photos. Thanks for sharing, and glad I got to have a sneak peak back to when you started. Have a great week ahead hun x


  7. BTW – love comments more than Nutella – you are AWESOME!


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