2012 in review

There are years, and then there are the defining years.

Defining years are truly memorable…. They are the years that split up your life into eras. The years that act as anchors in your memory. Where life changes so much, that other events are remembered as either pre or post.

Finished primary school (1989), finished high school (1995), started dating Mr Banya (1999), lived in Amsterdam (2002), got married (2007), the great North American road trip (2008), JJ was born (2010).

2012 belongs in this list.

Because of course, 2012 was the year that little Bee was born.

Danya kissing smiling, one day old baby Bee
Only one day old

2012 will always be etched in my memory. It will always be held dear. Things will never be the same as before.

Lots of other lovely, and some not so lovely, things happened in 2012 too.

2012 was the year that Mr Banya almost perfected Texas style smoked BBQ ribs.
2012 was the year that Poss the possum moved into our roof.
2012 was the year I adorned my 5 month pregnant tummy in a ridiculous burlesque outfit and paraded my stuff through Kings Cross.
2012 was the year that JJ became a chatterbox.
2012 was the year I was stung by a wasp three times.
2012 was the year we welcomed into the world the little babies of several of our close friends.
2012 was the year I gained 15kg, and started the long haul of losing it again.
2012 was the year we celebrated the weddings of several very close friends.
2012 was the year that I started to make genuine friendships through Playgroup.
2012 was the year where I chased JJ around like a madwoman whilst heavily pregnant.
2012 was the year we bought a new car.
2012 was the year I was bitten on the finger by a huntsman who was hiding under the car door handle.
2012 was the year that I found my sewing mojo.
2012 was the year I was an island bridesmaid.
2012 was the year we welcomed our fish Vomit, Gromit & Mike into our lives. (And Comet, Mandy, Roger – but they weren’t welcome for long…)

And 2012 was the year that Danya Banya was created.

If this was just any year – any ordinary year – creating Danya Banya would have been it’s defining moment. My starting a blog, my becoming a blogger, would have defined a shift in era. Time would have been measured as pre-blog and post-blog.

But, someone more important happened in 2012.

And so, in the years to come, 2012 will always be defined by Bee. 2012 belongs to her.

So go and get back in your box blog. Back in your box.


Melting Moments

(This post is not sponsored. All opinions are my own.)

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